Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 13 - Amalfi Coast to Rome

The Amalfi Coast has similarities to Cinque Terre except on a larger scale. It has crowded, curvy, narrow roads that cling to the cliffs between and into each of the towns.

We were off to a good start... donkey crossing the road, a truck going the wrong way, unwilling to merge, acting like we were the problem. But the classic BEST was the car driving in reverse with the flow of traffic!! We were flagged down (randomly) by carabinieri asking for identification documents. "Ok to go!"

Today the tension was more than evident. Quotes from driver: The Amalfi Coast, how to induce a heart attack...I think I'm going to break a tooth with the amount of teeth clenching I'm doing...Guy behind me - no hands on the wheel...Did I hit something, I think I did.

I don't think driver wanted to stop - anywhere along the coast, it is practically impossible to park anyway - but somehow I managed to get him out of the car in the little town of Ravello high on the hillside. It definitely wasn't in his plan to pay to enter the gardens of Villa Cimbrone, but they were beautiful and offered stunning panoramic views of the coast!

The Ravello store owner asked how we got there. We drove. "Aagh you're a good driver!!" After each person politely asked, "First time here?" I kept expecting Greg to answer, "And last!". Honestly, I think we will not return.

We finally arrived to Rome - both us and the car made it in one piece. Greg is quite relieved to be done with the car!

In Rome we went straight to our hotel - a B&B in a medieval tower right off the Piazza Navona. We get to stay here for the next 3 nights. It is a great location! We threw our stuff down, and went out to find the Spanish Steps and our "New Rome free tour". Greg enjoyed the tour and its information, but I didn't like how random our guide was. At least we saw the Trevi Fountain and Pantheon - both beautiful and amazing. I stared at the dome in the Pantheon in awe - amazed that the base is 23 ft thick concrete, and that the oculus (hole in the top) is a 27ft opening!

Fortunately our B&B is surrounded by lots if great places to eat, so we did not have to go far for our late dinner. We both enjoyed pizza at Navona Notte - finally out 1st dinner at a table outside!

1 comment:

  1. You are really brave (or crazy) driving on the coast. I've seen enough travel shows to know I'd never do it. Melinda says they won't drive in Italy again. Both trips there they got tickets. One they even had the car towed away. We did actually venture into Italy a little ways both times we were over there, but not too far into the country.
