I awoke to a quiet peace except for the seagulls and church chimes beckoning me to deserted St. Marks square. We packed up, enjoyed a delicious but quick European breakfast and headed out to our tour of the Doge Palace. Usually an early bird, I was surprised we were rushed to make our 10am tour!
The Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) is where all of Venice's rulers lived and passed judgement on everyone else. Rather than take the usual public tour, we signed up for the "Secret Itineries" tour which highlights hidden areas of the palace, Venetian politics and historical intrigues ... Like Casanova's escape. The palace was attached by the Bridge of Sighs to their prison. Currently the bridge is covered in scaffolding - sponsored by Toyota, and painted like blue skies.
My sad "foreign experience" today was when I was suddenly and unexpectedly separated from Greg, who didn't even realize I was gone. I had already checked with security that I could bring my "purse" through, but security then had a shift change and the new lady wouldn't let me in - while the tour unknowingly passed through without me. Luckily I wasn't detained long enough for the group to disappear through one of the secret passageways, but it was upsetting all the same!
After the tour and meandering around the square, we sat along the Grand Canal, absorbing Venice. Then we ate at nearby "sandwich row".
Next we took the elevator to the top of the bell tower (campanile) which offers great views of St. Mark's, the piazza, and the city.
If you know anything about St. Mark's square, you likely know about all the pigeons there. People think it is so cute to feed them. Greg's experience was hilariously different and unexpected, as he was innocently splattered with bird crap. He shall never forget St. Mark's square!
It was finally time to try gelato. I'll keep trying it but so far it doesn't qualify as a highlight!
On our way to our next hotel, this one on the Grand Canal by Rialto Bridge, we found a lonely gondolier with nothing to do. We weren't sure we could leave Venice without experiencing a gondola ride ... Very costly yet very Venice. Ours was worth it and unforgetable - and offered a different perspective on the city.
For the next 2 nights we are staying at Hotel San Cassiano. Our room is still small, but this time directly above the water (Greg says it sounds like a pool is below us). Our puppy Kiara would love it here as the bathroom comes with a "dog bowl" as Greg called it :)
Tonight's dinner was so delicious we left with reservations to return again tomorrow. We ate at Al Nono Risorto, boasting to have the best pizza in Venice. We decided to try both a pizza and pasta. Greg's mom makes a yummy puttanesca so I ordered that. Sadly it came infused with anchovies, so Greg graciously ate it. I'm so lucky he loves me - which he truly must because the pizza was to die for - we savored the taste of each one of it's ingredients - with lots of wine too, of course.
So the funniest thing about Venice is how disorientated, utterly lost and confused Greg is here! Once he turns a corner he literally cannot find his way back! I laugh that I read to "try" to get lost here! Yeah right, try NOT too!!